At Wright & Round we have a strict cookie policy details of which are below.
Cookies are very small text files that are stored on your computer when you access certain web pages. These text files contain no personal information but are simply used to help us to improve the experience of our website. The majority of websites you visit will use cookies, often for a variety of reasons including web analysis and shopping baskets. We want to tell you about Cookies to ensure you know exactly what they are and what we use them for.
So what do we use these cookies for?
We use analytics software to track what you might click on or read whilst on our website. We do not store any information that you may input nor can we assign activity to an individual person. We simply monitor the number of people visiting the site, what pages they view and how they found us etc.
Google Adwords
We regularly pay Google to show a paid listing. If you found our website through a Google paid listing then a cookie is likely to have been placed on your computer. This cookie does not store any personal information but enables us to understand how you found us so we can ensure our marketing continues to deliver and helps us to find great clients like you.
Your rights
You are able to change the settings within your browser to refuse cookies. However, this may hinder your experience of our website. If however, you continue to use our site without making these changes we will assume you consent to us using cookies as described above.